
This is the place where I will sometimes post some things about the projects that I am working on

Videos for volleyball tournament

Tein André

For the PVT-Assen I created a set of videos to give an impression of how the event was for people who were not there and for people to remember. With not much experience in video editing prior to this event it was a challange.

Day 1

Day 2


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23 February 2019

Tein André wakeUpLight

This is a wake-up-light like project that I made as an end assignment for Physical Computing. it might not look like much yet but it will get a nice jacket and it will look much nicer.
The basic concept however is very simple. I like most people am very annoyed in the morning when my alarmclock goes of because it is loud and very sudden, you almost scare awake out of your deep, well deserved and much needed sleep.
We decided to do something about it, we came up with this. Instead of attacking your eardrums with a very loud beep in the morning we used a much nicer piece of music that the single tone squarewave that normal alarmclocks crank out. Added to that is a nice light with a blue/white hue that starts glowing brighter and brighter as it is time to get out of bed, the blue-ish hue helps the biological clock in your brain to get going, it takes you out of sleepmode and finaly you get awakened by the music

There is no better way to start your day.

26 January 2019


Tein André

In the first module we had to make an interactive video for our groupproject. We decided to make a detective-like investigation game/video. The concept of the video is not that complicated, you are a detective and you have to figure out who killed a rich bussiness man.
It is up to the player to interogate the suspects and gather the knowledge neccessary to point out the right suspect.
If you want to play it for yourself you can click the picture.

7 November 2018


Tein André project2-1 project2-2 project2-3

Recently our visual comunication teacher gave us the assignment of taking pictures of faces that aren't faces but other objects. I personaly chose to make them out of light, now you might say: hold on, light isn't an object. And you are probably right but there is a way to make light conform to the shape you want ... sort of. If you use a long exposure on your camera you can shine a form of light at it and the camera wil track the whole shape that you give the light. I also used fire and water in some photos, wich also gave some cool results.

2 October 2018

Long exposure photography

Tein André longExposure3 longExposure1 longExposure2

long exposure photography is a simple concept. If you open the shutter of the camera for a prolonged amount of time a lot of light will hit the sensor. This very useful if there isn't very much light available. The only downside, subjects that move get blurry. Although this is what you try to avoid most of the time sometimes it can give really cool effects.
I have experimented with this a couple of times and it has given me some pretty cool results as you can see.

26 September 2018